Students come to UCT from all over Africa and the world...

In 2021, 30 392 students were registered for studies at UCT, including 26 614 South African students, 2 479 SADC students, 747 students from the rest of Africa and 552 students from elsewhere in the world.


… and when they graduate they are welcome anywhere.

After graduating, UCT students take up positions in every sector of the economy, around the world. UCT’s Development and Alumni Department is in contact with over 170 000 alumni in 164 countries, some 120 000 of whom live in South Africa.

100+ student societies

Student societies are active on campus, divided into five categories: academic, national/cultural, faith, special interest and political.

40 sporting codes

Students can choose to participate in almost 40 sporting codes, including such diverse sports as jiu jitsu, fencing, soccer, rowing and rugby
